Monday, May 2, 2011


We don't have a lot of the furniture we need for our new house because we're moving from about the same square footage. We do need a few things though so we've been looking for:
- a small couch/pull out sofa bed. (we have a vintage one but it's orange and really dominates a room. i think we'll put it in the garage for our band space, if we have the room out there- if not, it was only $25 from a thrift store so giving it away won't be too painful)
- a small bench for the entry way
- a kid's table for daph (for the family room i hope)
- a chair for her table (I'm really hoping to work a chair like this or this into the budget)

So, we were so excited when our friends Ali & Blake called us this weekend to let us know that the couch we had been eying at urban outfitters was on sale from $329 (on the website- plus $75 for shipping) to $200.
It's super tiny but it does fold out to be a bed that maybe 2 people (if they really liked each other) could sleep on- but definitely one person!
We thought just the floor model was on sale but when we went in they said they had a new one in the box for $200 as well. SO YAY! $200 for a couch!

What we got:
a new (we rarely buy anything new- so that must be mentioned) charcoal love seat from Urban Outfitters
What we spent:
Budget remaining:

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